Sunday, October 27, 2019

Thinking of you


It has been too long since I last talked to you and wish I had the opportunity to do it again.  I have been working hard and trying to take care of the house.  I don't see your kids much anymore.  They all have their busy lives and most are married now.  You also have 10!  You also would have celebrated your 58th birthday on the same day your graduating class from NEHS got together for the 40th class reunion this last summer.  We are getting ready to enjoy another of your favorite holidays of the year.  I have so many things I want to talk to you about.  I also have questions about those last few years of your life as mentioned in your journal.  We will be returning to Kauai next year for our parents 60th wedding anniversary.  Wish you could be there.  Also wish you would be around to help me survive our brother.  Happy heavenly day!

Your Sister Karen

Thursday, October 27, 2016

I was just looking at a picture of our adventures in Hawaii. It is in front of the Hawaiian LDS temple. She had this picture framed and now I have it next to a tile with her words "Happy Together Eternal". I am heading back to Kauai again soon and will again remember our many memories there. It was the best vacation ever when we all went over there. Shelly wanted to go to Hawaii and we made it happen. The fun of walking to the beach, making meals, playing games, dealing with the car that wouldn't start on the other side of the island, the family we had the pleasure of having a "thanksgiving" meal with, Bubba's restaurant, etc. Can't wait to experience a little bit of that joy again.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Another One Bites the Dust :)

So now 4 of the 5 kids are married.  An empty seat was there for her again today for Selina's wedding and we know she was there.  I do remember her saying that she wondered if any of her kids were going to get married.  I believe she is cheering in heaven, but wishing she could hold her grandchildren.  She would be loving all of those babies but also loving the fact she could give them back.  Life moves on, but we miss you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mommy Foods!!!

Alright, so with June 10th coming up, in which us girls gorge ourselves on some of Mom's favorite tasty treats, and with Chocolate day also closing in, I thought it would be good to finally make a post about some foods that remind us of her. I know I will forget some, so please comment and add to the list.

First off is a classic of mom's: Dr Pepper
Brittney clearly remembers Mom telling her to get her a glass of Dr Pepper,
And, as always in a pink cup, with three ice cubes.

We also have Cheetos, 
The crunchy kind of course.

Another of Mom's favorite chips was Doritos: Cool Ranch

And in Honor of our Chocolate loving Mother, 
We have quite the selection of chocolate satisfying delectable delights. 

First, we have our raspberry sticks

Next up, Chocolate Oranges.
I knew there was some reason she put them in our stockings every year.

Now, some may not remember these,
But I know the reason I remember them is because I loved them as well.

Mom did love her whoppers though. :)

I think my sisters always preferred this one though.
Milk Duds,
Another of mom's particular favorites

And lastly, We have Chocolate Milk
It was a real treat when we would go to the store and get a bottle of Chocolate milk.
My Mom and my sisters would all get chocolate, 
but as usual, I was the weirdo getting strawberry. :)

I'm sure I have forgotten some things,
So be sure to post and add to the List.
And don't forget!
Chocolate Day: July 27th!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mommy Movies

The movies that we all remember watching with her, the movies we know she would love, and the movies that we know would make her cry. These movies make us remember her in such a happy memory. Here's just a few.

Winnie the Pooh
A walk to remember
Mobsters & Mormons

If you have any, then just comment and add it on, or if you have questions about the ones I have put up then feel free to ask. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Wow! It has been a really long time since anyone has posted anything. I've wanted to post something again but felt a bit weird doing one right after another, but it seems that since no one else is stepping up I'm just gonna go ahead.

One of the main things that I remember, really admire and respect mom for was that she WASN'T PERFECT. Now don't get me wrong. Mom was amazing. One of the best. But she wasn't perfect, and she excepted it, and used it to her advantage.

Example 1: She didn't always make dinner every night. Some may see this as neglect, but it was really a teaching tool for us (her children). It taught us to not only appreciate it when she did make dinner, but it also taught us to fend for ourselves. After she passed, we had neighbors coming over and asking how we were doing and if we needed meals brought. I will admit the first couple weeks of having meals brought over was so nice (cause at the time non of us felt like cooking), but even after the meals stopped coming it wasn't so much of a drastic change.

Example 2: She understood and proudly shared her problems and conditions with others. Some may think that if you have psychological problems that you should keep it on the down low and avoid others knowing about it. Mom was SO not like that. She understood anxiety and depression and made sure that others knew too. I remember listening to her talking to others about these problems and explaining (quite well) what it is like and that it is perfectly normal. This not only helped herself cope, but also helped others to realized that they might have it and that it is nothing to be ashamed of. I was one of these individuals that she helped to except and control my condition. I will be eternally grateful for her influence on me and the incredible happiness and relief it have given me.

I'm sure there are many more examples of her genius, but at the moment I'm just too tired to go into great detail so I shall leave the rest to you good people. Have at it! What imperfection of mom was perfect to you?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Mommy Songs"

Okay. So I think it's high time I post something on this blog. I confess I feel a little left out. So, here goes.
Personally I don't know how everyone else keeps mom around, but for me I have some songs that remind me of her. I put some of them on playlists on my Ipod that I listen to often, and when I'm not expecting it, a song comes on and I just think "mom." Therefore, I am going to share with y'all what these songs are and why I relate them to mom. And if anyone think of any other songs that I missed or that remind you of her please pitch in. :D
Okay. Here I go.

1)First of all, the one song that always gets me thinking about mom, as crazy as it sounds, is I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred. Yes. That's right. You heard me. Don't deny it. It is her song. Every time it comes up I can just see her singing along to it and doing her little upper body strut.

2) Every time this song comes on it's like a stab to the heart and then yanking at the heart string, but oddly enough I love it. This song is If I Ever Leave This World Alive by Flogging Molly. Mom loved this song. And ironically it's fitting.

3) No matter which version it is, or who sings it, or even when it is sung, it's a mommy song. Amazing Grace. Yup. I know it gets me every time.

4) Monday, Monday by The Mamas and the Papas. I just remember growing up during my early years and hearing this song played frequently. And she would sing along with so much emotion and volume that I can still hear her singing it my head.

5) Now I don't know if mom liked this song of even if she knew it, but every time I play Cristofori's Dream by David Lanz it somehow reminds me of mom. I don't know if it captures her personality, or it describes her life, or if it's how I feel and view my relationship with her, but I seem to find myself playing it for her sometimes. And I even end up crying while playing sometimes. If anyone has ever done this, you know what I'm talking about when I say they are the most amazing moments of my life.

If you have any others you can think of that are "mommy songs" please mention it. I'm sure all of us would love to have a "mommy playlist."